Monday, January 26, 2009

Private Audition w/ America's Got Talent AND the Miami trip!

I received the email from the casting director just now...they received it and they said

"It's great-I'm going to have the team call you to give you the audition time for the 31st either today or tomorrow.


I had a great time in Miami with the first ever female National and World yoyo champion, Jennifer Baybrook this past week. We even performed for her company! I had an informal introduction to her boss and boy was that a great networking opportunity that I was no where near prepared for >_<

Anyway, we had a yoyo slumber party on a FRIDAY NIGHT in Miami! Haha, she has these video clips from WAY BACK and it was a trip down memory lane. Instead of going out and spending money in Miami on a beautiful yet cold Fri. night, we made a 2A page, played yoyos, shared stories, and had laughs all around. I want to start a yoyo slumber party! It would be fun, exciting, and a great way to give back to the community! I have a handful of old yoyo videos but they are all at home on the islands. I'm sure it's not that hard to do a slumber party! This will spark 2A once again, perhaps even the next yoyo boom. OK, maybe not the next yoyo boom but if I do receive that BOD position for the American Yo-Yo Association (AYYA), I'm sure I'm in a better position of power and credibility. Then, I can start a yoyo boom and start touring again like I talked to Jenn and James about in Miami. That would be ideal...only time will tell. We'll see.

School begins today but I look forward to traveling to SoCal twice in a week. Once for the auditions and the 2nd time for the SoCal Championships where I will be a judge. Then off to Seattle I go for the Pacific Northwest Regional Contest.

Jan 30-Feb 1 = Los Angeles Convention Center
Feb 6- Feb 9 = Santa Barabara
Feb 14-Feb 22 = Seattle

This looks like a very active yoyo semester the upcoming months. Time to learn submarine to impress America's Got Talent!

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